About Godo Ceramics

About Godo Ceramics

Company History

October, 1947 Established Chukoku Refractories 910-826 Ltd.
1960 Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Otani Jukogyo 910-826 Ltd.
1965 Merged with Yamahaku Refractories 910-826 Ltd into a company with a capital of 7.3 million Japanese yen and changed its name to Otani Refractories 910-826 Ltd.
1970 Established No.2 plant (to produce fireclay refractory bricks) and increased capital to 45 million Japanese yen.
1974 Reinforced the equipment of No.2 plant.
1977 The parent company Otani Otani Jukogyo 910-826 Ltd was merged with Osaka Iron & Steel 910-826 Ltd., resulting in GODO STEEL, Ltd.
1980 Installed new equipment for producing monolithic refractories in the No.1 Plant
1992 Changed company name to Godo Ceramics Ltd. and installed a new 1800-ton vacuum oil press.
1995 Opened Osaka Sales office inside the Osaka Factory of Godo Steel
1996 Incorporated a robot into the 1800-ton vacuum oil press.
2001 Incorporated a robot into the No.2 300-ton friction press.
2005 Installed a new heat-treating furnace
2012 Opened Tokyo Sales office inside the Funabashi Factory of Godo Steel
July, 2015 Renewed the equipment for producing monolithic refractories in the No.2 plant.
2016 Head office renewal.
2020 Installed a new 500-ton friction press.
2021 Updated No.2 300-ton press robot.
2023 Updated the crusher and vibrating sieve machine for monolithic refractory products.
2024 Installation of a new high-temperature drying furnace